Stories list


The History of Templeavalley

Vonnie Fallon reads the history of Templeavalley from her recent book on the history of Tang.


The History of Ardnacrany

Voniie Fallons reads the history of Ardncraney from the Annals of Westmeath.


The History of Noughaval Graveyard

Vonnie Fallon reads the history of Noughaval from her recently published book on the history of Tang.


The Dillon grave memorial in Ardnacrany North

Seamus McCormack tells us of the history of the Dillon family.


The Millstone at The Three Jolly Pigeons

Seamus McCormack tells us of the millstone at the door of The Three Jolly Pigeons.


Goldsmith & Emigraton

Seamus McCormack quotes Goldsmith on the emigrants plight.


Goldsmith Liquor & Learning

Seamus McCormack tells us of Goldsmith's theories of education.


Oliver Goldsmith & the Three Jolly Pigeons Pub

Seamus McCormack tells us of the links between Goldsmith & The Three Jolly Pigeons.


Plot 130 and Noughaval Graveyard

Tracing the Tonlegee McCormacks family plots in Noughaval graveyard with John McCormack.


What's in a name?

John McCormack explains how one fellow can have a number of names in Ireland.

