St. Declan's Catholic Church, Ardmore, Waterford


St. Declan's Catholic Church, Ardmore, Waterford

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Built during the pastorate of Fr. Patrick McGrath 1836-1846 who was succeeded by Fr. Garret Prendergast in 1846-7. There is anecdotal evidence of the huge effort men both men made to help stricken parishioners during the Great Famine.
Fr. Prendergast is buried within the church as are his two successors, Fr. Patrick Wall (1857-75) and Fr. John Shanahan (1875-1884). Their headstones were removed from the church floor and placed on the western boundary wall, on the right as you enter the grounds.
Fr. John Walsh served from 1884-1901, Fr. John Casey from 1901-1911, Fr. John O’Donnell 1911-14 and Fr. John Lennon 1914. Fr. James Everard was the Parish priest through the revolution, serving from 1914-21 and was succeeded by Fr. Henry Galvin (1921-37), Fr. Michael O’Byrne (1937-51), Fr. William Cahill (1951-68), Fr. John Power (1968-71), Fr. Bill Meehan (1971-78), Fr. Tom Wall (1978-85). Frs. Cahill, Meehan & Wall were buried in the church grounds.
During the pastorate of Fr. Meehan the church underwent major renovation and the old high altar was replaced by the present new sanctuary structure in accordance with the guidelines of Vatican II. The new altar was built by Fr. Aidan, a Cistercian monk from Mt. Melleray Abbey and the external work was carried out by local contractors Larry Looby and Donal Lenane. Fr. Dónal O’Connor, now retied in Dungarvan, served from 1985-2001 to be succeeded on his retiral by the present incumbent, Fr. Milo Guiry.




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